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African Connection + Junglelyd Special

African Connection digs deep into the roots of Afrobeat and develops the genre by weaving in modern influences and a twist of rock and roll. The goal of the project is to build a strong international collaboration that not only unites musicians across continents, but also carries musical history into the present. In 2016, Danish band Junglelyd went on tour in Ghana in collaboration with Ghanaian musician Atongo Zimba. Joining Junglelyd was the legendary former drummer of Fela Kuti, Frank Ankrah ”CC YoYo” and his longtime musical partner Abdulai Kyemtore. Ankrah, a student of Tony Allen, replaced Allen when he left the band in 1978. Abdulai, a very talented Ghanaian bassist and guitarist, also studied Afrobeat in the 70s under the tutelage of Fela Kuti in Nigeria. The chemistry that developed between these musicians after a month on the road was so powerful that a new collaboration was born in the name of African Connection. Recording of the debut album began in Ghana and will be completed in Denmark, highlighting the unique international vibe of the group. The debut album, Queens & Kings, will be released 2017 with tours planned for Europe and Ghana. Enjoy a preview of the album and African Connection’s first live shows this Fall 2016 in Denmark! More about African Connection and a preview of Queens & Kings are available at   Junglelyd er efterhånden ved at være synonym for dansefest! Bandet er et dansk elektronisk liveband, der med akustiske instrumenter og remixing transporterer lytteren dybt ind i den sydamerikanske jungle. I denne opsætning under navnet Junglelyd Special har bandet inviteret medlemmer fra AddisAbabaBand med på scenen for at præsentere musikken akustisk og uden de ellers velkendte elektroniske elementer. Denne aften er en unik mulighed for at opleve bandets musik i en anderledes og ny kontekst. Musikken er en hyldest til Tropical Bass og Cumbia, men der refereres også til genrer som hiphop, electronica og 1960’ernes surfmusik.]]>

okt 22 2016


Date: oktober 22, 2016
Time: 19:00 - 23:00
Cost: 60kr / 40kr forsalg
Event Categories:
Website: FB Event
