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Bjørn Svin + Antti/Fisker

HeadQuarters presents a night with Bjørn Svin, the renowned danish producer and Antti/Fisker, a experimental, electronic duo-project based in Aarhus, Denmark.
➤ HQ åbner: 19.00
​➤ Koncertstart: 21.00
➤ Forsalg: 40 kr.
➤ Entré i døren: 60 kr.
➤ Kærlighed: 110%
➤ HQ Resident DJs: 00:00-05:00
Bjørn Svin:
Bjørn Svin is a Danish music producer. The characteristic music and concert style he has been developing since the early 90s is cherished by many fans in Scandi- navia. His dedication to detail in the studio really comes across in his work. He has invested years to master the studio technology needed to reach a form of melodic, rhythmic and timbral perfection. 

Endless Process is proud to have as its debut, his deepest and most personal al- bum to date. Its called ‘2 point 5 step pets’ and was composed, recorded and mixed between Berlin and Copenhagen over the last couple of years.

Its long durations and evolving pathways up and down the sonic spectrum, gives the music a spatial geometry both deep and wide, extending horizontally through recorded time and towering vertically through the full frequency range. We get to ride trains underwater ( reswim ) or roller coasters through air bubbles ( torden- tracket ) . There’s even a ‘kurzstrecke’ towards some kind of brand new love ( bus to get her ). 

Fans of Bjørn’s concerts and output, will appreciate the extension of his signature production styles – complex interwoven polyphony and multi-layered grooves, al- ways with a welcoming and inviting artistry.

Endless Process is a label that wants to re-frame Artistic freedom and explore a holistic method toward artistic fulfilment with none of the old music business dog- mas in the way. We want recording artists to feel satisfied, productive and expres- sive whilst maintaining the highest production values. That’s why an album like ‘2 point 5 step pets’ can explore so much with its beautiful long form structures. Long durations are perfectly acceptable in the new label paradigm, for example.
Rasmus Fisker (DK) and Antti Koukonen (FIN) shares an intuitive approach to improvisation, which is based on creating an atmospheric sound environments utilizing semi-random generative software, and a combination of field recordings, live processing and additive synthesis. The sonic output of the duo can be heard morphing between surreal timbres and soundscape collages made from environmental recordings and synthetic, melodic sounds.

dec 13 2019


Date: december 13, 2019
Time: 19:00 - 05:00
Cost: 60kr / 40kr forsalg
Event Categories:
Genre: / /
Website: FB Event