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HeadQuarters præsenterer en aften med et af de mest energiske og hårdtarbejdende bands i Danmark. Vi glæder os til at byde jer velkommen til HEXIS i HQ-kælderen!

➤ HQ åbner: 19:00
➤ Koncertstart: 20:00
➤ Forsalg: 125 kr.
➤ Entré: 150 kr.
➤ HQ DJs: 23:00 – 05:00 (40 kr. inkl. garderobe)

HEXIS emerged in Denmark in the year 2010, following the DIY-spirit of the Punk and Hardcore scene, while simultaneously being deeply rooted in the Black Metal sound. They are self-made as well as self-taught, and HEXIS are constantly travelling the world. With over 1000 shows from the Faroe Islands to New Zealand and from Cuba to Mongolia under their belt, these guys have been the archetype of a hard-working and hard-hitting band.

Combining the energy of Hardcore with the desolation of Black Metal and throwing in bits and pieces of Doom and Sludge, HEXIS have crafted three full-length albums, namely “Abalam” (2014), “Tando Ashanti” (2017) and ‘Aeternum’ (2022), as well as countless EPs and Split-releases. The musicians behind HEXIS are located all over Europe and they have been praised for both their outstanding records and, first and foremost, for their intense live shows that took them to high ranking festivals such as Copenhell, Roskilde, Bloodstock, Roadburn or Resurrection.

+ Support: INTET GODT
INTET GODT er en hardcore kvartet fra Århus, der med sin ekstremmetalliske indflydelse tager et nyt take på hardcoregenren, hvor både dødsmetal og blackmetal lige så vel som punk og rock kommer til udtryk – Dog stadig med en skarp rød tråd igennem deres musikalske univers.

okt 25 2024


Date: oktober 25, 2024
Time: 19:00 - 05:00
Cost: 150kr / 125kr forsalg
Event Categories:
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Website: FB Event