FREDAG d. 5. maj kl. 22.00 – 22.30 (showcase under SPOT Festival)
OBS. Adgang kun med SPOT-armbånd.
In their own words:
“Sista Bossen is a bit like your younger sibling trying to gain your attention. It’s loud, desperate and weird, but somewhere deep down where your little dark heart is supposed to be found, there’s a tiny fragment of love clinging on. What started off as skumpunk developed into knastrock which then again grew into birthday party grunge. It’s simply fast, like a bike ride steeply downhill while still pedalling like crazy. When it’s not fast (it mostly is) it feels like lying naked on a Tempur mattress. All of this is topped off with straight-forward, unpolished lyrics either shouted out as if to quiet down a stormy Öresund sea, or whispered out softly as by a skylark sitting on your shoulder. However, why listen to a band text filled with broken metaphors when you can experience it for yourself!? Most people have liked it so far, except for one really grumpy hard rocker one time in Gothenburg. But he was really grumpy.”