Powersolos nye album “The Real Sound.” Powersolo spiller koncert. Americana-bandet Desoto Caucus spiller også koncert. DJ Dusty Wax & Boppin Sören (aka mr. & mr. Monkey Club) vender plader. Alle dine venner kommer. Der er billige øl. “The Real Sound is a return to the roots of Powersolo. But this time they dig even deeper than ever and deliver a string of catchy tunes with crazy lyrical hooks that could have been one hit wonder 7”’s back in the 50’s, 60’s or even the 70’s. They are the type of songs that would be found on the Las Vegas Grind and Nuggets compilations. It’s music you can dance to, prance to, rock and roll (in the biblical sense) to, and get into some serious trouble to. Celebrating the time when music had a sense of fun, sex and danger to it. This is the real sound of rock’n’roll. The real sound of Powersolo.” https://www.facebook.com/POWERSOLODK Med en ny plade og flere anmelder-roser på ryggen er The DeSoto Caucus vendt hjem til Århus for at deltage i fejringen af The Real Sound. Der er som altid tale om underspillede og velsmagende sange, der nok skulle kunne skærpe både nysgerrighed og appetit hos enhver fan af godt swing og tilbagelænet crunch. Kom tidligt hvis du vil ha’ forretten med denne lørdag! “The DeSoto Caucus was started when Anders Pedersen, Thøger T. Lund and Peter Dombernowsky sat around during their Giant Sand bandleader Howe Gelb’s succesful run with a bunch of Canadians and The Voices Of Praise gospel choir. EliteContinentalCustomClub became the first released recording under the Desoto name and soon the trio started opening for themselves on Giant Sand tours. They’ve been backing artists like Isobel Campbell/Mark Lanegan, CV Jørgensen, Scout Niblett, Nive Nielsen and been part of Marie Frank’s band or the iconoclastic Plastic Horse.” http://www.desotocaucus.com/]]>
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